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Last post: Feb 29, 2024, 06:31 PM Hello, Happykiddi by Nerrybew

Asshole Regimes and Groups

Discuss asshole counties like Iran, China, North Korea and Russia and more!
Should it be turned into a smoking wasteland?

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Last post: Aug 18, 2024, 01:15 PM Cialis, Viagra, Levitra ... by Pillsnof

Discuss any other asshole countries here...

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And what about Russia? Are they a concern or are they blowing smoke up Liberty's skirt?

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Last post: Jul 13, 2024, 06:05 AM Can spanking therapy cau... by royll3

North Korea
Rocketmans home!!!

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Are we losing the financial war? Why do we keep buing products made by them?

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United Nations
Lets face it! The fucking U.N. is anti American and anti Israel. If it wasn't, it would have stepped in right away with Hamas Rebels and the Houthi Rebels. The U.N. is a wanna be commie organization that no longer belongs in our world.

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Houthi Rebels
The Houthi movement attracts followers in Yemen by portraying themselves as fighting for economic development, the end of political marginalization of Zaidi Shias,[79] and promoting regional political-religious issues in its media, fostering the rhetoric of an overarching Israeli and American conspiracy theory and widespread Arab "collusion" with those states

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Hamas was founded by Palestinian imam and activist Ahmed Yassin in 1987, after the outbreak of the First Intifada. It emerged out of his Mujama al-Islamiya (Islamic Centre), which had been established in Gaza in 1973 as an Islamic charity affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood. The foundational charter of Hamas, published in 1988, articulated its ideology as a struggle against Jews, calling for the destruction of Israel to establish an Islamic state in its place.

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Is a left-wing anti-fascist and anti-racist political movement in the United States. It consists of a highly decentralized array of autonomous groups that use nonviolent direct action, incivility, and violence to achieve their aims. Most antifa political activism is nonviolent, involving poster and flyer campaigns, mutual aid, speeches, protest marches, and community organizing. However, some who identify as antifa also use tactics involving digital activism, doxing, harassment, physical violence, and property damage. Members of antifa aim to combat far-right extremists, including neo-Nazis and white supremacists.

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I come from the belief that everyone's life matters...not just a single race, which to me is as racist as you can get.

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Discussion of all means of communications.
Scanning Public Safety Freq.
Know what's going on and where. Part of good communications is knowing and understanding what's going on in your area so you can apprise your membership.

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Amateur Radio
Ham Radio is a popular hobby and service that brings people, electronics and communication together. People use ham radio to talk across town, around the world, or even into space, all without the Internet or cell phones.

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The Family Radio Service (FRS)
Is an improved walkie-talkie radio system authorized in the United States since 1996. This personal radio service uses channelized frequencies around 462 and 467 MHz in the ultra high frequency (UHF) band.

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CB Radio
Citizens band radio (also known as CB radio), used in many countries, is a land mobile radio system, a system allowing short-distance person-to-person bidirectional voice communication between individuals, using two way radios operating on 40 channels near 27 MHz (11 m) in the high frequency (aka shortwave) band.

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All firearm discussions
Lever Action Rifles
Most lever-action firearms are rifles, but some lever-action shotguns and a few pistols have also been made. The Winchester Model 1873 rifle is one of the most famous lever-action firearms, but many manufacturers—notably Henry and Marlin—also produce lever-action rifles.

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Bolt Action Rifles
Bolt action is a type of firearm action where the handling of cartridges into and out of the weapon's barrel chamber is operated by manually manipulating the bolt directly via a bolt handle, which is most commonly placed on the right-hand side of the weapon.

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Semi-Automatic Rifles
A semi-automatic rifle is a type of self-loading repeating rifle (also called autoloader) whose action will automatically cycle (ejects and rechambers) a new round after each shot, but requires the shooter to manually release the trigger and reset/recock the sear and hammer/striker before pulling again to fire another shot; thus, only one round can be discharged with each pull of the trigger.

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All Handguns
A handgun is a short-barreled firearm that can be held and used with one hand. The two most common handgun sub-types in use today are revolvers and semi-automatic pistols. In the days before mass production, handguns were often considered a badge of office, much the same as a sword.

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A revolver is a repeating handgun that has a revolving cylinder containing multiple chambers and at least one barrel for firing.

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A pistol is a type of handgun, which is a short-barreled projectile weapon inclusive of the revolver and the derringer. The English word was introduced in ca. 1570—when early handguns were produced in Europe—and derives from the Middle French pistolet.

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Red Dot Sights
A red dot sight is a common classification for a type of non-magnifying reflector sight for firearms, and other devices that require aiming, that gives the user an aimpoint in the form of an illuminated red dot.

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Ammo Reloading
Handloading or reloading is the process of making firearm cartridges or shells by manually assembling the individual components (case, primer, propellant, and projectile such as bullet, slug or shots), rather than purchasing mass-assembled, factory-loaded ammunition.

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Your safety concerns.....
Personal Safety
Personal safety refers not only to physical safety (freedom from physical harm) but also to psychological safety, which involves freedom from worry about physical safety as well as being victimized by hostility, aggression, and harassment.

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Using a Knife
Criminals and terrorists are not only attacking the general public with an edged weapon. They are also targeting law enforcement with machete's as well as other blades.

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When forced to defend yourself using only your bodily features, there are some simple concepts to consider – such as using your voice, hands, and fingernails.

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Survival discussions
Pasta and beans comprise a complete protein and both have a long-term shelf life and make some of the best survival foods that are also cheap to buy in large quantities. Use peanut butter instead of raw nuts to make a complete protein with crackers, and they don't have to be heated to enjoy.

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Last post: Aug 11, 2024, 02:16 PM Дэдпул 3 (фильм 2024) см... by aadmindebugdebug

Storage of Food
Food storage allows food to be eaten for some time after harvest rather than solely immediately. It is both a traditional domestic skill and, in the form of food logistics, an important industrial and commercial activity.

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Canning Food
Canning is a method of preserving food in which the food contents are processed and sealed in an airtight container. Canning provides a shelf life typically ranging from one to five years, although under specific circumstances it can be much longer .

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Dehydrating Food
Food drying is a method of food preservation in which food is dried. Drying inhibits the growth of bacteria, yeasts, and mold through the removal of water.

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Growing Food
At its most basic, growing food is simply a matter of sticking a seed in good soil, watering it, and watching it grow. There are a multitude of nuances, though.

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Building a long term survival shelter is a skill that any survivalist or prepper should have. It doesn't matter if there's a disaster, SHTF scenario, or you simply got into a bit of trouble while camping. This kind of shelter can help you survive (and thrive) no matter what.

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Off The Grid
Living off grid is more than leaving behind power bills. And it goes beyond avoiding rush hour traffic or long lines. It's about self-reliance and making peace with nature and seasonal living. And learning to tap solar energy and rainwater harvesting techniques. It's about living intentionally.

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All political discussions should be conducted here!
It may be used positively in the context of a "political solution" which is compromising and nonviolent, or descriptively as "the art or science of government", but also often carries a negative connotation. The concept has been defined in various ways, and different approaches have fundamentally differing views on whether it should be used extensively or in a limited way, empirically or normatively, and on whether conflict or co-operation is more essential to it.

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Last post: Dec 12, 2023, 07:34 AM Re: Who should run for p... by MrMagoo

Libertarian Party
The party generally promotes a classical liberal platform, in contrast to the Democratic Party's modern liberalism and progressivism and the Republican Party's conservatism. Gary Johnson, the party's presidential nominee in 2012 and 2016, claims that the Libertarian Party is more culturally liberal than Democrats, and more fiscally conservative than Republicans. Its fiscal policy positions include lowering taxes, abolishing the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), decreasing the national debt, allowing people to opt out of Social Security and eliminating the welfare state, in part by utilizing private charities. Its cultural policy positions include ending the prohibition of illegal drugs, advocating criminal justice reform, supporting same-sex marriage, ending capital punishment, and supporting gun ownership rights.

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Republican Party
Considered the ideological and historical successors of Northern members of the conservative Whig Party, the Republican Party was founded in 1854 by anti-slavery activists who opposed the Kansas–Nebraska Act, which allowed for the potential expansion of chattel slavery into the western territories. It supported classical liberalism and economic reform, while opposing the expansion of slavery into the free territories. The party initially had a very limited presence in the South, but was very successful in the North. By 1858, it had enlisted former Whigs and former Free Soilers to form majorities in nearly every state in New England. Seeing a future threat to the practice of slavery with the 1860 election of Abraham Lincoln, the first Republican president, many Southern states seceded from the nation and joined the Confederacy.

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Democratic Party
Considered to be a historical successor to the left-wing Democratic-Republican Party, the Democratic Party was founded in 1828 and predominantly built by Martin Van Buren, who assembled politicians in every state behind war hero Andrew Jackson, making it arguably the world's oldest active political party. The party supported expansive presidential power, the interests of slave states, agrarianism, and expansionism, while opposing a national bank and high tariffs.] It split in 1860 over slavery and won the presidency only twice[c] in the fifty years between 1860 and 1910, although it won the popular vote a total of four times in that period. In the late 19th century, it continued to oppose high tariffs and had fierce internal debates on the gold standard. In the early 20th century, it supported progressive reforms and opposed imperialism, with Woodrow Wilson winning the White House in 1912 and 1916.

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